


RaspberryPi controlled antenna rotator


Current commercial az/el antenna rotators are really expensive(easily over 1500€ with controllers), and moreover technically most are from 90s (analog potentiometer sensors/control, no network, rs/lpt controllable, no web, no rest api, etc).

I tried to take little bit different approach..

Goals: 1. Cheap common hardware (wormgears, nema steppers, rasberrypi, etc) 2. Intelligence on mast (controlbox includes rasberrypi, this enables many things, like SDR on mast) 3. All digital (digital rotary sensors, steppers, tcp/ip, etc) 4. network (only IO is network, controlling thru different apis(REST, legacy RS emulation api)) 5. backward compatibility to legacy software, via software RS (ham radio deluxe, pstrotator, etc) 6. project is only for fun, and learning new stuff!



Plan / specs for pirotator server:

REST api for controlling (done) - you could control your rotator via simple http posts - enables many kind of solutions

Legacy rotator emulation for legacy software via virtual RS (done) - emulates yeasu GS-232B protocol (only control and feedback commands implemented) - client OS sees ?SerialPort via virtual serial port software (eg. hw-groups HW virtual serial port -HW VSP3) - Tested with HRD rotator and PSTrotator

Simpple CLI UI (70%) - mainly for debugging purposes

Multithreaded structure, and locks/aborts (90%) - could use all of those apis/interfaces at same time

Neat WEB/JavaScript UI top of REST api (15%) - Graphical javascipt / angular UI
