This ranking shows how often a page was requested since logging began. It provides just a dumb counter, i.e., every single page request counts as one hit.

  1. 2340119 HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar
  2. 146518 HelpContents
  3.  93827 PiRotator
  4.  77778 Toyota Touch & Go
  5.  64227 HackingSamsungSmartTV
  6.  48330 WikiCourse/21 Macros
  7.  41490 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509
  8.  25105 HackingHueBridge
  9.  19104 wilho
  10.  18028 LanguageSetup
  11.  17712 SolarWithEnergyStorage
  12.  16412 FrontPage
  13.  15459 HelpForBeginners
  14.  14956 Hacking NEO Wi-Fi Power Switch
  15.  11567 Työkalulista
  16.   9354 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/stationHTML
  17.   9334 turmio
  18.   8590 Toyota Touch & Go/LogAfterBoot
  19.   8453 CategoryHomepage
  20.   7417 HackingSamsungSmartTV/FirstBootConnections
  21.   6748 Chinese servo drive DCS810
  22.   5979 RecentChanges
  23.   5831 HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie
  24.   5806 DBus-trips/Scan
  25.   5754 HackingBusDisplays
  26.   5463 HackingSamsungSmartTV/DebugOutput
  27.   5385 FindPage
  28.   5210 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/Mounts
  29.   5175 RaspberryPiTempSensor
  30.   5133 RuuviTagienKimppatilaus
  31.   5033 Collab
  32.   4962 TelegramEMEBot
  33.   4907 Projektit
  34.   4784 HelpOnParsers
  35.   4677 thauta/carmedia
  36.   4618 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/netapp
  37.   4613 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
  38.   4331 Hacking Inetno DG201A
  39.   4195 HelpOnFormatting
  40.   4082 DBus-trips
  41.   3988 Hacking YamahaRX-V475 Amp
  42.   3805 thauta/vehicleToAndroid
  43.   3714 WikiTipOfTheDay
  44.   3555 HackingSamsungSmartTV/NMAP-archive
  45.   3475 ecode
  46.   3432 Hacking CiscoEPC3825
  47.   3314 HelpOnAuthentication
  48.   3284 CategoryProjekti
  49.   3262 VerkkoOpiskelu
  50.   3246 Raspberry1Wire
  51.   3246 HelpOnNavigation
  52.   3160 TitleIndex
  53.   3160 AWDL
  54.   3070 HelpOnLists
  55.   3019 HelpOnMacros
  56.   2896 HackingWithAriettaG25
  57.   2895 HelpOnCreoleSyntax
  58.   2880 HelpOnConfiguration
  59.   2875 FanCont
  60.   2820 Yhdistys
  61.   2818 WikiCourse/13 Lists
  62.   2683 ham satellite tracking with sony ptz camera
  63.   2682 HackingPrepaidData
  64.   2642 HomeAutomation
  65.   2606 GroundStation
  66.   2600 Hacking ZTE MF823 USB-4G Modem
  67.   2541 Yhteystiedot
  68.   2457 Hacking TP-Link N750
  69.   2436 Sivuleikkurit
  70.   2367 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/InfosInside
  71.   2347 Toyota Touch & Go/Port-851-dump
  72.   2314 HackerSpace
  73.   2310 Toyota Touch & Go/InsertingUSBKeyboard
  74.   2282 Sivukartta
  75.   2279 Toyota Touch & Go/Nmap-run
  76.   2268 Hacking Inetno DG201A/VulnCoord
  77.   2239 WordIndex
  78.   2222 ReverseEngineeringEyeTV
  79.   2212 Hakko 936 säädettävä kolvi
  80.   2171 HelpOnSessions
  81.   2156 CategoryTarlab
  82.   2151 HelpOnTables
  83.   2140 ToDo
  84.   2126 Linkit
  85.   2109 HelpOnLinking
  86.   2106 ProjektiTemplate
  87.   2068 kummah
  88.   2062 AtomicZombie Warrior
  89.   2052 Periaatteet
  90.   2045 Photos
  91.   2031 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/Boot-message
  92.   2016 Proxxon MF70 CNC-jyrsin
  93.   2006 HelpOnPackageInstaller
  94.   1991 HomemadeIdependentWeatherstation
  95.   1985 3D printer
  96.   1975 CNCRouter
  97.   1961 QuadCopter
  98.   1957 HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump
  99.   1948 WhatsInsideOfCheapWlanBox
  100.   1944 TrafficLightProtocol/Red
  101.   1927 EnsimmainenTapaaminen
  102.   1926 Adjustable length yagi/dipole
  103.   1922 HackingOldTomTomXL
  104.   1897 WikiSandBox
  105.   1895 NimenTuuminta
  106.   1894 VäyläPiraatti
  107.   1862 MoinMoin
  108.   1838 HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection
  109.   1815 RaspberryPi
  110.   1800 otter
  111.   1800 Logo
  112.   1791 RadioHackingWithoutSkills
  113.   1743 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/psOutput
  114.   1725 HelpOnXapian
  115.   1705 KolmasTapaaminen
  116.   1699 WikiCourse/02 Finding information
  117.   1619 DasTesnoAparat
  118.   1597 HelpOnDrawings
  119.   1592 WikiName
  120.   1578 Table
  121.   1559 HelpOnActions/AttachFile
  122.   1544 HelpOnSpam
  123.   1541 NeljasTapaaminen
  124.   1534 bwr
  125.   1532 HelpOnImages
  126.   1514 Toyota Touch & Go/VulncoordReport
  127.   1510 kaspe
  128.   1497 WikiCourse
  129.   1479 WantedPages
  130.   1479 TilanHaku
  131.   1479 Näyttöseinä
  132.   1456 WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account
  133.   1450 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/BootEnvironment
  134.   1441 HelpOnGraphicalEditor
  135.   1429 WikiCourse/07 The text editor
  136.   1428 WikiHomePage
  137.   1424 kamistar
  138.   1423 HelpOnProcessingInstructions
  139.   1417 CollabList
  140.   1414 ToinenTapaaminen
  141.   1396 WikiCourse/18 Attachments
  142.   1387
  143.   1376 HelpOnXmlPages
  144.   1369 Digitaalisesti säädetävä kolvi
  145.   1368 USB-ttl serial adapteri
  146.   1365 HelpOnEditing
  147.   1364 kaspe/Quatrocopter
  148.   1364 Avaruuspallo
  149.   1360 HelpOnActions
  150.   1358 CategoryCategory
  151.   1357 HelpOnAccessControlLists
  152.   1344 HelpOnSearching
  153.   1335 PerustamisKokous
  154.   1332 HelpOnMoinCommand
  155.   1323 HelpOnNotification
  156.   1310 40W:n CO2 laser
  157.   1309 WikiCourseHandOut
  158.   1309 HelpOnSubscribing
  159.   1301 HelpOnThemes
  160.   1300 OHM2013
  161.   1292 BlindRodPart
  162.   1289 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/CommandsAvailable
  163.   1267 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText
  164.   1256 HackingSamsungSmartTV/UartOutpu
  165.   1251 PageHits
  166.   1248 CRT-telkkari
  167.   1241 Toyota Touch & Go/BluetoothServiceDump
  168.   1238 Toyota Touch & Go/FromLogUSBStickWithFancyFiles
  169.   1229 Verkkokurssi
  170.   1215 WikiCourse/17 External links
  171.   1212 MeetingTemplate
  172.   1211 WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date
  173.   1200 HelpOnOpenIDProvider
  174.   1192 Perustamiskirja
  175.   1167 Buffalo WHR-G54
  176.   1161 Säännöt
  177.   1146 Jäseneksi
  178.   1142 CollabBase
  179.   1140 2011-10-24-hallituksen-kokous
  180.   1126 4 chairs
  181.   1114 FortuneCookies
  182.   1113 HomemadeIdependentWeatherstation/AriettaInstallNotes
  183.   1109 AbandonedPages
  184.   1103 CategoryHallituksenKokous
  185.   1081 NewUser
  186.   1081 InterWiki
  187.   1081 HackingHueBridge/BootMessage
  188.   1079 HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy
  189.   1078 CollabFacts
  190.   1070 PageSize
  191.   1068 WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage
  192.   1062 RandomPage
  193.   1058 CategoryMeeting
  194.   1048 HelpOnLanguages
  195.   1048 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/UpdateFromConsole
  196.   1021 OrphanedPages
  197.   1008 HelpOnSynchronisation
  198.   1003 HelpOnTemplates
  199.   1001 thauta
  200.    995 HelpOnCategories
  201.    994 mutjake
  202.    988 Toyota Touch & Go/Port-2021-example
  203.    980 WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content
  204.    964 HackingHueBridge/UpdateWithFullDebug
  205.    956 Laatikollinen sekalaisia johtoja
  206.    945 TrafficLightProtocol
  207.    939
  208.    937 WikiWikiWeb
  209.    929 Lippis
  210.    927 HackingBusDisplays/Dmesg
  211.    919 TarlabTemplate
  212.    912 HelpOnAdministration
  213.    908 kaspe/EmbeddedLinux
  214.    898 HomepageTemplate
  215.    896 HackingHueBridge/BootMessageWithFullDebug
  216.    896 CategoryTemplate
  217.    868 nettikoneita
  218.    864 HelpOnAutoAdmin
  219.    858 TrafficLightProtocol/White
  220.    857 HelpOnGroups
  221.    855 CollabInfrastructure
  222.    854 WikiCourse/12 Headlines
  223.    851 TrafficLightProtocol/Green
  224.    851 HelpOnSlideShows
  225.    845 HelpForUsers
  226.    843 STK200-ohjelmointikaapeli
  227.    830 HelpOnUpdatingPython
  228.    828 HelpOnDictionaries
  229.    825 Kiinalainen USBasp
  230.    824 WikiCourse/19 Symbols
  231.    824 WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links
  232.    823 HelpOnHeadlines
  233.    821 HelpOnVariables
  234.    820 HelpOnPageCreation
  235.    811 HelpOnEditing/SubPages
  236.    808 WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki
  237.    778 SlideShowTemplate
  238.    777 WikiCourse/22 Parsers
  239.    763 HelpOnComments
  240.    755 HackingWithAriettaG25/at91bootstrapCompileOutput
  241.    753 TrafficLightProtocol/Amber
  242.    753 HelpOnMacros/MailTo
  243.    747 HelpOnSuperUser
  244.    745 HelpOnAdmonitions
  245.    734 HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject
  246.    731 WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs
  247.    718 HelpOnRules
  248.    715 WikiCourse/14 Text styles
  249.    715 WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup
  250.    712 HelpOnSpellCheck
  251.    711 WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys
  252.    710 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/ApplicationAnalyze
  253.    698 HelpOnUserHandling
  254.    694 HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides
  255.    692 WikiCourse/23 Actions
  256.    686 WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette
  257.    686 HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation
  258.    683 HelpOnSmileys
  259.    682 WikiCourse/05 User preferences
  260.    676 WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor
  261.    675 HelpIndex
  262.    665 HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport
  263.    659 HelpTemplate
  264.    652 XsltVersion
  265.    645 WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages
  266.    644 SystemInfo
  267.    638 HelpOnUserPreferences
  268.    631 HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction
  269.    625 HelpOnLogin
  270.    624 HomepageReadWritePageTemplate
  271.    624 HelpOnMacros/Include
  272.    619 WikiCourse/15 Tables
  273.    615 MissingHomePage
  274.    614 HackingPerpaidData
  275.    609 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/QemuTestEnvironment
  276.    606 HelpOnEditLocks
  277.    606 EventStats
  278.    605 HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments
  279.    596 CamelCase
  280.    594 SlideShowHandOutTemplate
  281.    594 HomepageGroupsTemplate
  282.    593 SlideTemplate
  283.    593 HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences
  284.    592 FurnitureTemplate
  285.    583 HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks
  286.    578 HackingOnkyo TR-NX509/Yaffs
  287.    567 WikiCourse/51 Applications
  288.    567 ToolTemplate
  289.    567 SystemAdmin
  290.    552 HelpOnPageDeletion
  291.    551 SyncJobTemplate
  292.    549 HomepagePrivatePageTemplate
  293.    536 HelpOnRobots
  294.    534 MissingPage
  295.    511 HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage
  296.    504 PermissionDeniedPage
  297.    497 LocalBadContent
  298.    495 EventStats/UserAgents
  299.    490 EventStats/Languages
  300.    487 ProjectGroupsTemplate
  301.    472 InviteNewTemplate
  302.    454 EditedSystemPages
  303.    452 InviteOldTemplate
  304.    446 BadContent
  305.    442 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer
  306.    438 LocalSpellingWords
  307.    430 ProjectTemplate
  308.    426 HomepageReadPageTemplate
  309.    357 EventStats/HitCounts